I must say in favor of the HP, though, that from the little bit of reading
I've been doing I can probably boot a stripped down Linux kernel to tinker
with on the Jornada (sp?) easier than the Palm. ;->  


>1. The MP3 player is great and sounds reasonable over headphones. But when
>trying to download a pair of MP3s (totalling about 8 Meg), I discovered I
>couldn't even load one. Why? Because the 16 Meg the system ships with is
>half consumed by the operating system alone. The rest has to be configured
>by hand to allocate it between storage and application space. Huh?

Whoah.  Back the truck up, HALF?  Sheez, will have to look at the HP on my
desk collecting dust when I get to the office in the morning.  And here I
thought that there was generosity in the world after all.


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