Thanks for the tip, but I'm afraid it didn't work. Do I need to have some
kind of browse info option set for my builds?

Thomas McCormick
Centennial Technologies

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Richard Burmeister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent:   Monday, September 25, 2000 12:16 PM
                To:     Palm Developer Forum
                Subject:        Re: PTS_0011177; Where do can I get the
fundemental info?

                From: "Tom McCormick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                Subject: RE: PTS_0011177; Where do can I get the fundemental

                > If you have Visual C++ available, there is a file search
command available
                > where you can search all .h (or whatever extension you
choose) files in
                > directory you choose. You can point this tool to your Palm
                > and search on RectangleType to find where it is defined.
                > (Anyone know if this feature exists for CodeWarrior?)

                In CodeWarrior on Windows:
                1. Highlight the word "RectangleType".
                2. Press Ctrl-'  (control and single quote)

                Voila!  A window opens displaying the definition of
RectangleType and lists
                the source as "C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CW for Palm OS
R6\Palm OS 3.5
                Support\Incs\Core\System\Rect.h".  (Your path may vary.)

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