>GM> if your user data is being stored in a central database, your going to 
>GM> to choose a "conduit" development product in addition to an application
>GM> development product.
>GM> there are several out there. pick one that, first, meets your business
>GM> requirements, and second, allows you to use your preferred language 
>(VB, C).
>GM> money always seems to factor into these things, but you'll need to 
>GM> the cost of the IDE and any runtime distribution fees for yourself.
>Yes my client's data are going to be scored in a central database but
>this is not a problem for me as long as I can have those data on the
>PC. My main worry is which tool to use for designing some sort of form
>to gather the data on the Palm and of course the related problem of
>runtime distribution. I am more VBish than C. Any advice more than

I might be biased, but NS Basic/Palm should really be on your list as 


George Henne                                     
NS BASIC Corporation

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