Just keep your head burried in the sand then...

> I don't think this is off-topic.  The charter explicitly lists
> "questions and concerns about future technologies or the future of the
> Palm OS platform or of Palm, Inc.", so I'll take a shot.
> >Over a year ago, I said that Palm would have to bend to market
> >demands for Color, sound and other features offered by the PocketPC. 
> >Many of the palm supporters and some employees of Palm said I was all
> >wet.
> Great.
> >Well, I have just read an article in the news that says that the B/W
> >models are falling by the wasteside in favor of the color devices.
> Thanks for the link to this informative article.  Personally, I still
> prefer to trade battery life and cost for color.  In addition, I have
> yet to meet anyone who purchased a color Palm or expressed sharp
> interest in color.
> >I also just returned from a 30 day trip to Japan.  What I found was
> >that every child over the age of 12 had a cell phone with full color
> >displays.  The #1 way of accessing the internet in Japan is via these
> >high tech Color Phones.
> The primary market for PalmOS devices and software is not Japanese
> children.  I love my cell phone, and even use it to access the
> internet, but I don't think a color phone would help me much, and I
> pray that our network infrastructure never decays to the point that
> this becomes my "#1 way of accessing the internet."
> >If Palm does not improve their OS (more file oriented) and offer more
> Why does the OS need to be more file oriented?  I ask this in all
> seriousness because you gloss over this assertion and I truly don't
> understand how this would benefit users or developers.  The
> DataManager functions may be a little confusing to new developers, but
> once you look at examples it's not a big deal.  Do user's want to
> stick floppies in their Palm.  Is this another Japanese thing, because
> I only know what I see on Iron Chef?
> >Color and sound options, they will cease to exist in a couple of
> >years. The user market is demanding Color, Sound, Wireless.
> Palm can hardly give away their wireless unit, but maybe it's because
> they don't have color and sound.  Wireless is important, but until the
> access cost comes down, I don't see this as a consumer priority.
> You're right about color and sound.  Consumers want more flash, but
> recognize the trade-off.  It costs memory, money, and processor cycles
> to get all those colors on the screen.  I'd rather preserve all three
> and stick with a plain 2-bit display.
> It's not going to be easy for Palm.  Guessing what consumers want and
> how much they are willing to pay is an ugly business, but I don't
> think Palm has a head-in-the-sand approach.  Their latest offerings
> are pointed smack at the PocketPC crowd, but I'd like to see them
> continue to own the low end market.  An 8 MB Palm V at around $150
> might get new users hooked.  Let them upgrade to color and sound when
> they're ready to spend more money.
> - Ed
> -- 
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