In article <104460@palm-dev-forum>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> Agus Silas wrote:
> > 
> > > What kind of application are you writing ?
> > 
> > Actually the application I wrote works fine using the data chanel of
> > GSM to transmit GPS position from mobiles to a base. It's sort of 
> > "point to point" communication. The problem is that the time needed to
> > establish a data connection is pretty long, the average is 25 secs, 
> > plus 5 secs to transmit data (80 bytes) and get the answer (80 bytes),
> > another 5 secs to disconnect ( Siemens MT35 GSM modem ) before I can
> > call another mobile... So, for 10 mobiles I  won't be able to recall 
> > the first before at least 5 minutes, which is too long...
> > Since GPRS allows me to have a permanent connection this will
> > eliminate the connection time. That's why we are looking forward to
> > use GPRS. We still haven't decided if we are going to use a navigator
> > or adapting our actual Palm application to run on GPRS layer instead
> > of GSM (although GPRS use GSM).
> Yes, with GSM you have some fixed delay for Connection and Hangup, you can
> avoid some time with GPRS, but remember that you will always have some
> connection delay due to autentication.
> BTW, how do you plan to connect your different devices using GPRS?
> IIRC you can't do a direct connection, but you have to connect to your telco
> having back a dynamic IP (that can change, changing the GPRS cell you are
> in). Then you can use TCP/IP to connect to the others devices.
> With this scenario you have to keep somewhere a list of the IP of all the
> connected devices... and this seems a lot different from you current
> solution.
> > 
> > All advises are welcomed... I use CodeWarrior V8.3 and I just 
> > downloaded SDK 5.0
> > 
> U R Welcome
> Ciao
> --
> Ing. Pietro F. Maggi
> DSM S.p.A.
> Via Paganini 34
> 20052 Monza (MI)
> Tel.: 039/382183
> Fax: 039/2327759

And you Pietro, what are you doing?


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