In article <112784@palm-dev-forum>,
 "C. B. Schofield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2/9/03 2:24 PM, "Scott Gruby" wrote:
> > Time to start getting prc-tools and associated tools running on my OS X
> > box and converting my CodeWarrior projects over to makefiles. Command
> > line tools, to me, are far superior than running Virtual PC.
> I received notification as well.  I, too, will be transitioning to
> prc-tools.

I have a large number of active projects to start moving over; I think 
I'll start with the small ones and see how it goes. I also need to 
figure out how to better use Project Builder.

> > I've looked at a few sites and haven't found the answer; is it possible
> > to use gdb to debug with POSE under OS X? I suspect it is, I just
> > haven't seen the instructions.
> Yes, you can use GDB.  There are instructions for using GDB to debug under
> POSE at <> (...look
> in the forum).  I've used it and it works, but it's quite slow.
> Craig

Thanks; I just found another link which goes through step by step:


Scott Gruby

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