> A good textbook on 3d computer graphics will explain how to rotate
> a bitmap much more thoroughly than a PalmOS forum.  Applying
> a rotation transformation matrix to every point in a rectangular
> bitmap is not even close to the most efficient algorithm.
> Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice
> by Foley and van Dam, is one highly regarded textbook on the subject.
> You can also examine the code inside various software texture-mapped
> 3d renderers.  You might also want to use interpolation if you don't
> want small bitmapped fonts to look even more ragged after rotation.

game developer websites are also good. also old demo sites.
(most examples are in assembler, but, same concepts) :P

my example using a transformation matrix was intentional. at least
that way they can understand *how* it works. of course, there are a 
different algorithms to do the same thing - the shear/transform
approach is well recommended. 

anti-aliasing is another topic of discussion all together *g*

there is nothing worse than someone just c+p'ing an algorithm
from somewhere without actually understanding how it works. it
kinda makes it harder to debug :)

Aaron Ardiri
http://www.mobilewizardry.com/members/aaron_ardiri.php [profile]

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