Jan, Ben:

Thank you both for your thoughts.

The game that I wrote (see my earlier thread about
"AccessorDispatch") is a fairly simple one that I intend to
release as freeware, mainly because it will be my first public
offering of a Palm application.  (Still needs a bit of work,

So, it would fit into the "non-paying Palm" market that Jan
mentioned. Also, as I mentioned before, my own Palm PDA is the
m500 running OS 4.0, and is quite sufficient for my needs.  I
like the slimmer case that can fit in my shirt pocket (WITH my
reading glasses case, no less!) and, as I also mentioned, I much
prefer the original Graffiti over Graffiti 2.  (My "other half"
has a Tungsten E.  I find it is slower to write in Graffiti 2
than in the original Graffiti, because of those extra strokes.)

MOST of my friends with PalmOS-based PDAs have older OS versions
(OS 4.0 or earlier; not just Palm, but also Sony Clie, Handspring
Visor, etc.)  (Abeit, I *do* consider my Tungsten-E-touting wife
to be my friend, too. ;-)

As well, my next major Palm project will involve an application
for a particular hobby market.  I expect that most users for
this application will still be ones with older OS's.

So, from my own experience, I have to disagree with the thinking
that writers of new applications should not make any attempt to
support older OS's.

If an application does not necessarily need colour or any of the
newer features of the more recent Palm's, (navigation rocker,
etc.) then there should be no reason to leave users of older
Palm PDA's behind.

Sure, maybe the bigger software market consists of corporate types
whose companies can buy the latest and greatest Palm PDA's for
them, but there is still a considerable base consisting of "home"
users who cannot afford to "upgrade" their PDAs every three months.

Well, that's my CDN$0.02 anyway.  (That's gotta be at least worth
half a cent US. :)  Oh, that's another thing.  The average Canuck
has to work about 1.5 times longer than the average USian to pay
for those expensive Palm devices!  So, we have have more incentive
to make the older ones last a bit longer.

And sorry about my earlier rant.  It came from the frustration
of learning that I cannot obtain the earlier OS ROM images (which
is still a frustration for me, but I should not have ranted,
even though I still think Xerox are The Bad Guys in all of this).

Best regards,

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