The camera sample in SDK4.2 Loads the Cameralib only if it is not found by 
FindLibrary (as we usualy do with libraries)
but CameraLib.h of the SDK tells otherwise:

<Quote from the header>

 * @file CameraLib.h
 * @brief Public 68K include file for camera support for Treo 600 devices.
 * Notes:
 * The calling application should always load this library with
 * SysLibLoad() before use, even if it is already open by another
 * application(ie, SysLibFind() returns a valid refnum). When
 * the application is done with the library, it should be
 * unloaded with SysLibRemove(). We do this because there is
 * no good way to synchronize loading and unloading of libraries
 * among multiple applications. It also greatly simplifies internal
 * synchronization.


I've been using the cameralib for some time and loading only if the lib is 
not found without any problems,
but I am just puzelled by the "header note" vs "sample code" discrepancy.

Any insite?


Regis St-Gelais 

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