Hi Roderich, hi Peter,

Roderich Schupp schrieb:
As for the flashing-windows-when-using-backticks thing:
I once wrote an application using Tk, it drove a third party app using
their command
line interface (including reading and interpreting the output of such).
It used IPC::Run3 for that. When I pp'ed it with --gui it didn't have the
flashing windows effect. In any case, IPC::Run3 uses system() internally
(it does some fancy redirecting beforehand and afterwards to handle the
capture/feeding of stdin/stdout/stderr, though), so I'm surprised that
you see different behavious for system() and IPC::Run3. I'll try to experiment
a little over the weekend.

When - or rather if - one of you figures this out, would you consider adding an entry to the FAQ list in the PAR wiki at par.perl.org? I am pretty certain that you're not the first to suffer from this effect.



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