Hello PAR Mailing List,
this is my first post to you and I hope that you can help me or already solved my problem.
See the following code:
use strict;
use warnings;
open PROC,
'perl -le"$|=1; print and select(undef,undef,undef,0.1) for 1 .. 1000" |'
 or die $!;
while( <PROC> ) {
 print $_;
close PROC;
When I pack this code into a standalone executable with pp, e.g. "pp -o counter.exe counter.pl" then it is only working if perl is installed. Is there a way to pack this script consisting of two perl scripts into a standalone executable without needing to have perl installed. I asked the same thing some time ago at perlmonks ( see http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=958125 ). But the only reply I got was to use cava packager. I tried it, but to be honest, the cava packager is too big for me and I would prefer using pp which packs all needed stuff in one single file.
Thank you alot for your help.

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