On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Shawn Laffan <shawn.laf...@unsw.edu.au>
> The extractions currently use Archive::Unzip::Burst as the first attempt.
> I don't know its behaviour, but I assume that if some files exist and are
> locked then it will fail.

It's also protected by the $inc.lock "mutex", just like the slow path
(using Archive::Zip).

> In that event the approach switches to iterating over $zip->memberNames,
> so it will still work.  (Actually, Archive::Unzip::Burst seems not to
> install on Windows, so the latter approach will be the norm on that OS).

Probably very few people use it. It's just a Perl small wrapper around
InfoZip unzip.

Of course, this won't fix the issues where files are cleaned up while a PAR
> is running process,

Obviously we will only re-extract *missing* files, so no problem with
locked files here.

> so some sort of API sub would still be useful to allow scripts to
> re-extract if file opens fail.

That would imply that you are able to know when opening a file   from "deep
inside third party modules" fails - how?

WRT the different cache areas, PAR::_extract_inc currently spends up to 10
> seconds trying to create a lock file, so that line needs to be modified.

Nope. It's not a lock file, it's a lock *directory*. That's because
creation of a directory is the only portable (even network filesystem safe)
filesystem mutex operation. The up to 10 second delay comes only into play
in the contended case.

Adding a check for -w on the target temp location should be enough to avoid
> that when the exe file is in a non-writable directory.

The parent directory of $inc  in _extract_inc is writable by construction.

Cheers, Roderich

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