Hi Johan,

What would be the drawback of using a (subset of a) portable Perl
distribution together with your Perl code, IOW just a bunch of files,
and run it directly?

It seems non-trivial to put the bunch of files together, distribute

par is good in doing this selection.

them and have the user put them in the right place(s).
Using pp I can package the runnable code in a single binary, and use
InnoSetup for a point and click install.

If you already use InnoSetup, the user doesn't even have to deal with
the bunch of files.

You know that par under Windows also unpacks Perl plus your code to the
temp directory and runs it there?

InnoSetup can do this unpacking at least as well. Since installation is
decoupled from execution, you can unpack to a folder of your choice,
protected against accidental (or maliciuos) change. And you have no
performance hit at runtime and a clean uninstall (par often doesn't
remove the stuff in the temp directory).


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