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Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 12:55:34 +0200
From: thembeka.maj...@gmail.com
To: payco@googlegroups.com

So I guess that he will be removed from this googlegroups, comrades Mmbara and 

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Sebenzile Mlaza <sebenzi...@raf.co.za> wrote:

Revolutionary greetings,
Thami Ka-Plaatjie is quoted in an article on the 25th May 2010 by Sowetan’s 
Zukile Majova as having said “We have come to realise that the best possible 
vehicle to take our people forward is none other than the ANC.” It is further 
reported in this same article that Ka Plaatjie yesterday said his latest move 
marked an end of at least 26 years in the Azanian block which, at first, 
comprised the PAC and Azapo and now includes the Socialist Party of Azania, 
African People’s Convention and Pan Africanist Movement [sic], the article is 
attached herewith for easy reference.

For starters, as far as I’m concerned Ka-Plaatjie is prevaricating and 
circumventing issues here, did it really had to take him close to quarter a 
century (26 years to be precise) to realize that his new found political home 
(ANC) is the best possible vehicle to take our people forward [sic]. Didactic 
poppycock indeed!!! Was it necessary of him to stand so low and resort to this 
form of rhetorical slander and rumour mongering, so as to prove his worth to 
his new found colleagues? Maybe ka-Plaatjie is labouring under an illusion that 
he is a big catch to the ANC, if that is correct he is making a very big 
mistake indeed.
Surely, if a brainless crank and a political imbecile like Malema can be a 
president of one of the most vocal component structures in the ANC and an 
intellectual dodo like Zuma can become a head of state, surely there is 
something wrong with their organization. Ka-Plaatjie is too smart to have not 
seen a flaw in that, we all know Ma-Afrika, suppose you follow my drift. The 
fact of the matter is that Ka-Plaatjie is under severe pressure from the likes 
of Paul Mashatile and the ANC’s top brass to provide more cogent reasons for 
his myopic move, and eventually deliver the entire PAC membership to the ANC. 
He is trying hard to appear rational in his decision. And thus will ultimately 
be rewarded handsomely for a job well done. 
It has always been rumoured that Ka-Plaatjie has been offered an ambassadorial 
posting an offer he apparently couldn’t refuse, in one of the African state 
either Sudan or Namibia. There is no smoke without fire, mark my words. 
Ka-Plaatjie has further misled a sizeable portion of our great cadres, the 
likes of Charge-In Mabaso, Tefu the list is endless and dumped them into what 
has since become a white elephant – PAM. It is further reported in this same 
article that again Ka-Plaatjie has defected with some PAM members from 
Sharpeville township outside Vereeniging to the ANC. This clearly indicates one 
thing that the man has no backbone in politics and to put pupae like him on 
positions of political power can bring ignominy to a party. I therefore call 
upon all those noble sons and daughters of the soil to come back home to the 
party and reclaim our place in society.

Any rejoinders or surrejoinders herein!!!

Sebenzile Mlaza
Dept. :Claims 6
*  E-mail     :  sebenzi...@raf.co.za
(   Phone      : +27 11 223-0354
7  Fax           : +27 11 223-0072 or 086 697 4587


Ka Plaatjie joins ANC

25 May 2010
Zukile Majova




PAM, Cope and UDM also lose members

FORMER PAC general secretary Thami ka Plaatjie has joined the ANC.

Ka Plaatjie yesterday said his latest move marked an end of at least 26 years 
in the Azanian block which, at first, comprised the PAC and Azapo and now 
includes the Socialist Party of Azania, African People’s Convention and Pan 
Africanist Movement. 

Before his move to the ANC Ka Plaatjie broke ranks with the PAC in 2008 to form 
the Pan Africanist Movement (PAM), of which he became president. 

This followed a long squabble in the PAC between his supporters and those of 
party president Letlapa Mphahlele.

Ka Plaatjie, pictured, yesterday said his decision to abandon the PAM for the 
ANC wasn’t easy but was well-considered. 

“We have come to realise that the best possible vehicle to take our people 
forward is none other than the ANC,” he said.

He said he wanted to be part of “progressive formations” to deepen democracy in 
South Africa.

“The ANC is a vehicle that is in constant movement and we want to join that 

“We come to the ANC to re-identify ourselves with our own history and to close 
gap with the history that took place more than 50 years ago when Comrade Robert 
Sobukwe and others walked away from the ANC,” Ka Plaatjie said.

The PAC broke away from the ANC in 1959 following disagreements over issues 
such as the ANC’s adoption of a nonracial policy as opposed to only championing 
the African cause.

Some PAM members from Sharpeville township outside Vereeniging also moved with 
Ka Plaatjie to the ANC

“We want to bring a pro-poor conscience to the ANC,” he said.

An executive member of the Cope in Gauteng, Jabulani Mahlangu, has also 
rejoined the ANC. 

He promised to persuade fellow Cope members who left the ANC to rejoin the 

“We are saying we want to bring people who are doers and we want to bring about 
creative thinking.

“We are making a clarion call to all the people who left the ANC to return,” 
Mahlangu said.

On Sunday 27 members of the UDM in Mpumalanga also deserted their party for the 

Among them was Thabisile Msiza, the UDM’s national organiser. 

They were all paraded before ANC president Jacob Zuma during his visit to 


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