Hi, Crystal. If you want to burn an audio cd from another, here's what you do.

1. with the original cd in your desired drive, find the list of tracks on the cd.
2. select all with control a.
3. add the tracks to the cd layout with control t.
4. From here you can do one of 2 things. You can either make a hard drive image of the cd, to burn to a blank later, or you can just write the selected tracks to the disk directly.
5. To make a hard drive image of the tracks in the new cd layout, from the file menu, choose record hard disk image, or cd image, I don't remember what exactly it calls it, but it'll be 1 in the same.
6. Hit enter when you've found the appropriate option.
7. A dialogue box will appear asking you to provide a file name. Give it what ever you want.
8. Hit enter once you've entered the desired file name, then sit back and wait a few minutes for the image to create. If everything goes well, your machine should make a noise, and your screen reader should say something in the way of image created successfully, or something like that.
9. Something to keep in mind--there are 3 options in the file menu for recording--record disk image, record disk, and record disk from image. Be careful not to confuse those.
10. To record a cd from an image you've created, choose the record disk from image option in the file menu. The program will prompt you for the name of the image file. Type it in or choose it from the list view in the dialogue box which you can find by tabbing around. When you've selected the file you want, hit enter. Make sure, at this point, that you have a blank cd in your burner.
11. A record disk dialogue box will pop up. Heres where you choose the write speed and the recording method. The write speed depends on your preference, but the recording method should be set for disk at once, for best audio quality, and you also want to choose the option to record, not test or test and record, unless you want to test the recording to make sure it'll work, then you'd use the test and record option. When you have everything there set the way you want, hit the ok button and wait a few minutes for the disk to burn. unless you have a bad disk, or your burner screws up somehow, you should have a perfect disk within about 5 to 10 minutes.
12. Now, if you want to by-pass the image process and go straight to burnin the selected tracks from your layout onto a blank disk, once you have the tracks selected, choose the record disk option from the file menu. Hit enter. The dialogue box described above will appear. Again, make sure you have a blank cd in your burner. Repeat the previously mentioned steps. Good luck. If you're still confused or have trouble, let me know, and I'll be glad to help you.

At 03:20 PM 4/11/2004, you wrote:

I wanted to copy a music cd, rather than just selecting certain songs.

I am using Easy CD Creator 6, and, first tried using the disc copier
function.  It reached about 50%, and, then, said there was an error.  I
tried again, new blank, smae result.

I then went into Creator Classic, and tried from there, and, it did not work
there either.

I have been able to save songs to my hard drive, and, then, burn a cd
without any trouble.

Am I missing something here? Is there a setting I need to change, perhaps?

I did update the program.


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