Ok, well anything's possible, I'm not going to argue about it either  
but to my knowledge my CD drives are working, I think its just too  
easy for people to use the argument that people are using faulty  
equipment rather than evaluating facts, I've gladly stuck my neck out  
for Exact Audio Copy, Easy CD DA Extractor and other pieces of  
software and I back them because I've used them. Sure! nothing's  
perfect (including yours truly) and I value other list members who  
have put me on the right track and answered questions that I've had.
Yep, use whatever ripper you like, I don't rubbish every ripper and  
I've never done, I've said and I'll continue to say that all rippers  
are not equal, some rippers are better than others just as some  
shareware packages are better than those you buy.

On 24/11/2007, at 2:46 AM, Kevin Lloyd wrote:

> Well, maybe you have a reading problem too.  I actually said  
> worrying about
> waveforms not listening to them.  Last I'll say on this subject as  
> it's
> getting a bit tedious and tiresome now.  I guess it's just difficult  
> to take
> some opinions objectively when you see so many ridiculous anti- 
> windows   and
> anti-microsoft comments.
> I do go to a lot of trouble when ripping as I've got my collection  
> of 900
> CD's ripped in lossless and have my music hooked up to a high end hifi
> system.  Bottomline is that I trust my hearing so can tell a perfect  
> rip
> from one with imperfections.
> No doubt you'll want to respond with some sarcastic nonsense again  
> but read
> the e-mail a few times first so that you're able to comprehend it  
> this time.
> Kevin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 2:24 PM
> Subject: RE: Ripping,Copying and EncodingRE: Easy CD DA Extractor:  
> they've
> changed things
> Dear Dear, perhaps I didn't explain things correctly, when I meant  
> comparing
> wave files I meant actually comparing them with your PC, Mac or  
> whatever,
> that's one of the many wonders with computers, you can compare the  
> files
> byte-for-byte in a matter of seconds.
> Me listening to wave forms? Well now, that's given me the first  
> laugh for a
> Saturday morning, I have an 80% hearing loss so that would be of  
> little use
> to me <smile>.
> -----Original Message-----
> ]
> On Behalf Of Kevin Lloyd
> Sent: Saturday, 24 November 2007 12:11 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Ripping,Copying and EncodingRE: Easy CD DA Extractor:  
> they've
> changed things
> Yep, that'll be him...  Spent so much time worrying about his  
> waveform that
> he forgot about sitting back and enjoying listening to his music...
> Kevin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dana S. Leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 12:40 PM
> Subject: Re: Ripping,Copying and EncodingRE: Easy CD DA Extractor:  
> they've
> changed things
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 7:18 AM
> Subject: Re: Ripping,Copying and EncodingRE: Easy CD DA Extractor:  
> they've
> changed things
>> So, if your CD-ROM is not as good as it could be then
>> EAC is for you otherwise it's more for the paranoid ripper.
> The paranoid ripper? Are you referring to Jack, the paranoid ripper?  
> <grin>
> Blessed Be,
> Dana
> that's Dana, D A N A, NOT Donna, D O N N A
> If your synthesizer pronounces them identically, instruct your  
> customized
> pronunciation  dictionary that Dana=dayna.
> D. S. Leslie, née C. R. Guttman
> Skype: dsleslie
> Your Source for Discounted Ideas
> http://members.cox.net/dsleslie2/
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