Hi again,
    Well it's me with more questions.
I am recording my first cd with goldwave from a cassette.
    I have set my music settings in recording a cd to 44,000 Etc. for the 
sampling rate, stereo, cd quality 80 minutes.  The music on the file takes 
56 minutes to play.  Why is the total space taken up by this file over 1 
gig?  the first time I recorded it in two half-hour sessions each file was 
about 287 megs?  Now I recorded it all at once, put the appropriate Q points 
and silences in and the total file is over 1 gig?  I don't seem to have 
extra spaces?  If I lower the sampling rate I'll reduce quality.  Now, if it 
is too much trouble to write an answer, I will be glad to phone someone, or 
try skype.
Here is my email address if you want me to call you.


I can call Wednes morning pacific time, or any time Friday or Saturday of 
this week.  I really need some answers.



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