Thanks Robert.  The Shift-E command is what I was after and is the closest
thing GW has to the SF control-G go-to command.

Seems shift-E sets an end marker at the point you move to, and the field
above that one will set a start marker.  Markers seem to be crucial is
understanding how GW works and is a point of difference with Sound Forge
where markers are more a convenience than being obligatory.

Obviously I must do more reading of the manual and chase up material on BCT

Many thanks.


Robert doc Wright wrote:
If you are talking about moving through the file then shift left or right
arrow moves through the file up or down arrows decreases and increases the
of the start marker
control shift left or right arrow moves the end marker

shift e allows you to key in the time.

If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?
 then where does the learning start?

robert Doc Wright

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