
I do have an inexpensive HD Tuner and a couple of HD radios and could provide 
an example.  However, I am not sure what such a 
sample will tell you.  HD Radio in the United States is so variable in its 
quality.  For example, on FM, the HD programming can be 
divided into multiple programs and the bandwidth that is allocated to each 
program can vary.  One of the Christian stations here 
in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, has four HD channels.  One of our public 
stations has three HD channels but one is the BBC and 
they allocate very little bandwidth to it so it sounds a little like a lower 
bit-rate MP3.  Some radio stations seem pretty good 
about not compressing the HD program while others seem to feed pretty much the 
same signal to the HD program as to the main analog 
program so the difference is just less noise.  .  From what I have read, DAB is 
clearly a superior system, but it uses an 
additional frequency band that broadcasters here did not want to risk.  

In my opinion, HD on AM radio here is not very good.  A good HD signal on AM 
sounds very nice, almost as good as an analog FM 
signal, but the AM signal has to be so good that the analog signal would sound 
pretty good if it was not restricted in bandwidth 
because of the HD signal.  I bought a Carver tuner that was capable of 
receiving AM Stereo back in the 1980's here, and the sound 
quality was pretty good.  HD AM radio sounds better, but it takes so little to 
disrupt it that it doesn't seem all that practicle.  

Another frustration of mine is that I can't find a good HD Tuner any more.  I 
bought one from Amazon that listed for $99 but is 
now sold for $35 and it isn't bad, but it has a permanently connected wire 
antenna for FM with no obvious place to connect a 
ground.  My system is in a basement and I have an outdoor FM antenna, but there 
is no simple way to connect a 75-ohm coxial cable 
to it.  The HD table radios I have all have coxial cable connections so I never 
thought to check if the tuner had a 75-ohm 
connection.  The wire antenna would be adequate above ground level.  I have 
some electronic knowledge so I've experimented with 
making a connection to the 75-ohm cable available in the basement, but the 
connection is not very efficient.  I saw a Sony tuner 
available used but it was at three or four times the original price, and there 
were some bad reviews associated with the seller.

Finally, here in the Twin Cities in Minnesota, apparently HD is not a part of 
many of our stations' backup transmitters.  A number 
of our bigger stations are on a couple of tall transmission towers, and when 
they do maintenance on the towers, the analog signal 
is transmitted from a backup site but no HD.  This has been a somewhat common 
occurrence this summer for some reason.

Even with all this, I like HD because the sound can be good, and it opens up 
the potential for additional programming on our FM 

After reading all of this, let me know what sort of samples you might like or 
if you would simply like a good and a poor example.

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson

On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:48:52 +1000, Dane Trethowan wrote:


>Does anyone out there have a HD Tuner? I'm looking for some samples of HD 
>radio so if someone could provide then I'd be most 

>I can return the favour perhaps by providing some samples of DAB+.


>Dane Trethowan
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