Oh yeah I know what you mean. I ain't pissed. Infact that Onkyo 9700 system I 
just told you about, it's just about the same price as a Lifestyle T20. So yeah 
it's true. Where they get you is like II said, the promo stuff. Especially the 
tag line the most respected name in sound. That line makes 1 think this is the 
best. This can't be beat. This is the standard homy. I know now it ain't true 
but there it is. All though people ain't falling for it much more. The last 
time I went to a bose store some lady was asking the sales dude stuff like the 
stuff I brought up. Like what's with the lack of DTS HD MA support and stuff. 
I'd love to hear the Onkyo 9700. Too bad there aren't vids of it on youtube. 
There's a cheeper 1 too. I think it's the 5700. It's 5.1.2. Or 4 if you add the 
other 2 top sppeakers. So yeah. I feel ya. I understand what you mean. I guess 
it's kind of let downish especially with growing up always hearing Bose is the 
best and like I keep repeating because it's what really hooked me, the most 
respected name in sound.
 That makes you think this company is the Rolsroys of sound.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 7:32 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Subject: Re: Bose

Again I repeat, if you like Bose then that’s totally up to you but they are 
certainly not the best by any manner of means and - if you pay for a Bose 
something - then most likely you can get something far better for the same 
price, that’s just the way it is.

Having said all that I doubt whether the Bose Bluetooth Soundlink Mini can 
easily be beaten for its price but the SoundLink III certainly can, the B&W T7.

> On 5 Oct 2015, at 10:06 AM, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah it's true. They still don't. Now to be fair they did get birned with the 
> Achousticmass 6.1 system in the respect that 6.1 went away. So I can 
> understand if that's part of the reason you meaning Bose didn't do it in 
> 2009. Which was when I first learned of 7.1 and touched a Yamaha 7.1 system 
> at Costco. But it's 2015 and 7.1 is here to stay. Yes I've heard of Polk 
> audio, and I think I may have even heard a system. It was way cool if the 
> system I remember trying in 05 and recording with my PTR 1 was indeed polk. 
> When the Emperror is resisting arrest and zaps 3 Jedi in ROTS AKA Revenge of 
> the Sith you can almost hear a bone hit when he hits them with his 
> lightsaber. Yeah I think the FalkinLazer dude meantioned this too. If this be 
> true then that might explain a few things. Also if it be true then that's not 
> good for channel iselation. Which is 1 problem I forgot to meantion. Sounds 
> seem smaller out of 1 speaker. Be it out of the Companion 5 or the 
> headphones. But when shaired they sound just fine. I want to check out Onkyo. 
> They are cool. Their systems will handle full blast HD. Up to 192 thousand 
> KHZ 32 bit. Super epic. Plus they have a Dolby Atmos7.1.4 system. Well the 
> page will say 7.1.2 but I heard on a vid they did you could add 2 more 
> speakers and thus 7.1.4 surround sound. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 5:47 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Subject: Bose
> I’m surprised to read that Bose don’t have a 7.1 system but - if what I read 
> a few days ago is true - then I honestly don’t care.
> I read that Bose speakers contain a DSP - Digital Sound Processor -, that’s 
> fine as far as it goes and yep, makes the Bose speaker sound good but if the 
> DSP dies or becomes faulty? Well too bad about your system you can’t go and 
> buy another speaker from another company, you have to buy a Bose replacement.
> Now this won’t bother too many people I’m sure but it would annoy me, I’m 
> used to mixing and matching you could say, I might prefer to use some Polk 
> Audio speakers on my 7.1 surround-system and not Bose.
>> On 5 Oct 2015, at 8:24 AM, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well it took for me to hear stuff to believe. Not just read. Also making 
>> note of how behind Bose is. Let's leave them alone as far as Dolby Atmos 
>> goes for now as they don't have a 7.1 system yet even. Yeah youu can kind of 
>> build your own, but the speakers that they recommend for the back ain't 
>> jewell cubes. So they won't match. Not sure if they do match more with the 
>> direct 1s, but I'd have to hear it for my self to be sure. I'll give you 
>> this, the OE2I headphones I have will give you Cinimatic bace, but like I 
>> said for the real sharp crisp attack on your ear drums from the smack of the 
>> whip in the Malazia vid of a guy being wwhipped for drinking beer, well, the 
>> Apple Ear Pods even do better at that. As  will the Soundlink Mini from 
>> bose. Funny enough this also sounds better on my companion 5 system. So I 
>> thought it's to protect your ears. I now realize it is indeed a quality 
>> thing because even with out the cousions that whip doesn't really attack 
>> your drums. Also and I know I always bring her up, but the 98 Zilla also 
>> doesn't sound any better threw the drivers them selves. Again my Apple ear 
>> pods beat the pants off of Bose. So will my JBL speakers in my Samsung TV. I 
>> was surprised to see this. I was all like seriously? Is this really 
>> happening? The TV has even beat the pants off of the Companion 5 system for 
>> Zilla's wistle sound? Are you kidding me right now? The only thing from bose 
>> that I've listened to where she sounds pretty good is the soundlink System 
>> 3. Pluss you get the cinematic bass for the foot steps. Which I will grant 
>> the SL Mini do that. As do the headset.s. Oh well. Oh yeah the lifestyle 
>> systems can't handle DTS HD Master Audio directly. Tthose are Bose's short 
>> commings for me. But they are pretty good other than that. It just shocks me 
>> that the Apple ear pods do better at crispness. I'm not into Drey's beats. 
>> Tried the ear buds and meh not too cool. I did try the pill too, Zilla's 
>> tornado blast is okay but as there's hardly any bass, well not cool when she 
>> walks. Oh well.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dane 
>> Trethowan
>> Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 4:31 PM
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>> Subject: Re: Bose and B&W
>> Similar story here, I never believe that any company is best at anything let 
>> alone Bose.  My first Bose product was a Bose Wave Radio and - when I got it 
>> - I found the sound amazing though radio performance was very poor, I 
>> believe this has changed in the latest generation of Wave Radio.
>> Anyhow it didn’t take me long - as I read more and more audiophile reviews 
>> on different products - to question just how good Bose sounded, surely if it 
>> was any good then Audiophiles would be raving about the stuff but the 
>> silence was deafening.
>> As list members will know, one of my interests is Audio Streaming and it has 
>> been stated by many people at various times that one of the best streaming 
>> clients for AirPlay is the B&W range which includes the A5, A7, Z2 and so 
>> on, if such products were so highly regarded then it seemed sensible to me 
>> to plan and get one which I did, I bought the A5 19 months ago and compared 
>> to the Bose Wave Radio? Well quite frankly the B&W A5 just makes the Bose 
>> sound as though its at the bottom of a hole literally, the Wave System 
>> sounds absolutely dull and boring and I think I’m very much able to 
>> appreciate the following quotation, “No Highs just Lows, that sounds like 
>> Bose” <smile>, a little exaggerated perhaps because the highs are there but 
>> they’re swamped by the loose base.
>>> On 5 Oct 2015, at 7:20 AM, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What's also perhaps getting him stuck and it did me too is all the better 
>>> sound threw research stuff and the most respected name in sound stuff. 
>>> That's why I couldn't believe there could be better when I watched 
>>> Falkinlazer on youtube. What finally convinced me was that vid he did of 
>>> oddly enough I think it was some BNW speakers. Like I told you Dain this 
>>> threw his kind of meh camara the X Wings sounded clearer louder and sharper 
>>> then I had ever heard them. Sadly I think those speakers what ever they 
>>> were I can't remember right now, are ceveral thousand dolars. I want them.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dane 
>>> Trethowan
>>> Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 1:50 PM
>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>> Subject: Re: Bose and B&W
>>> You’re taking it too personally Angus, no one said you didn’t like your 
>>> music and I’m sure you do but - it would appear from your eMail 
>>> contributions to this discussion - that you haven’t yet heard just how 
>>> wonderful your music will sound and I understand that.
>>> I’ve been down the Bose road with headphones so again, go and listen to a 
>>> pair of B&W P7’s or the AKG model Mary mentioned, take along a couple of 
>>> favourite audio CD’S or some FLAC files and hear the difference for 
>>> yourself.
>>>> On 5 Oct 2015, at 3:39 AM, Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se> wrote:
>>>> Which means i don’t love my music?
>>>> /A
>>>>> 4 okt. 2015 kl. 00:43 skrev Dane Trethowan <grtd...@internode.on.net>:
>>>>> Thank you Mary, I know what I’d be buying myself <smile>.
>>>>> I said it before and I’ll say it again, Bose headphones are Crowd 
>>>>> Pleasers whereas AKG - the particular type Mary is referring to here - 
>>>>> are for those who love their music.
>>>>>> On 4 Oct 2015, at 9:40 AM, Mary Otten <maryot...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>> I have never heard a pair of these Bose phones. But for 200 U.S.
>>>>>> dollars, those AKG q701 phones can be had from Amazon. 
>>>>>> Mary
>>>>> **********
>>>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of 
>>>>> the halfwits in this world behind.
>>> **********
>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
>>> halfwits in this world behind.
>> **********
>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
>> halfwits in this world behind.
> **********
> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
> halfwits in this world behind.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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