Hi all,

Co-author hat on, I support the adoption the I-D and second Olivier in
agreeing with Dhruv's point.



On 12/01/2021 11:38, Dhruv Dhody wrote:
> Hi WG,
> The response has been limited so far. Thanks to Oliver for responding
> to the comments.
> Since the adoption period coincided with holidays, we are extending
> the adoption call for another week (i.e. Monday 18th Jan). We *need*
> to hear from more of you before taking a call. Please respond with
> your support (or not) for this work and if this I-D is a good basis to
> be further refined under the control of the WG.
> Regards,
> Dhruv
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 2:57 PM Dhruv Dhody <d...@dhruvdhody.com> wrote:
>> Hi WG,
>> Happy New Year!
>> Just a reminder, the WG Adoption poll ends on Monday 11th Jan, please
>> respond to the call with your support (or not), comments, etc.
>> Please be more vocal on the list [1].
>> Thanks!
>> Dhruv & Julien
>> [1] 
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/109/materials/slides-109-pce-1-introduction-01
>>> Please be Vocal
>>> o During WG Adoption and WG LC calls, the response is less.
>>> o Please be vocal on the list to help us gauge the consensus better.
>>> o The working group mailing lists are looked at by the IESG, IAB, and 
>>> others (internal and external to IETF) to determine interest/participation 
>>> level in our standards process.
>>> o Please review ideas from your peers, these are community outputs of the 
>>> working group as a whole.
>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 6:22 PM Dhruv Dhody <d...@dhruvdhody.com> wrote:
>>> Hi WG,
>>> This email begins the WG adoption poll for
>>> draft-dugeon-pce-stateful-interdomain-04.
>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dugeon-pce-stateful-interdomain-04
>>> Should this draft be adopted by the PCE WG? Please state your reasons
>>> - Why / Why not? What needs to be fixed before or after adoption? Are
>>> you willing to work on this draft? Review comments should be posted to
>>> the list.
>>> To accommodate for the holiday season, this adoption poll will end on
>>> 11th Jan 2021 (Monday).
>>> Thanks!
>>> Dhruv
> <p></p>


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