First off, just to be clear, I don't think anyone wants to keep the big monolithic build system or the package. Its a big hack/kludge that is not maintainable going forward. I answered some other random questions below as well.

On Sep 21, 2009, at 6:16 PM, Anderson Goulart wrote:

And there are some others key points:

1) make a single documentation teaching how developers can build or create their own packages


2) remove "m_pd.h" from externals and use <m_pd.h> (why do I need to have PD source to compile my external? This should be installed as any other library and linked with -l option; the m_pd.h should be installed on /usr/include also)

sounds good

3) fix many build systems to work in any platafform (like adding - fPIC for AMD64 every time we need to compile on this plattaform is so anoying.. we can make it automatic or add something like --arch option)

sounds good

3.1) Some build systems use a variable to point where is the pd source. This is bizarre for me... let's make a pd shared library and link to it...

This is how it is done already on Windows.

4) distribute some files:
.orig.tar.gz with the clean source to help others to create their own build (like ebuild on gentoo or slackpkg)
.dsc and deb - debianized package

sounds good.

- One the libs are split into their own packages, 'pd-extended' could then be a package like 'puredata' that provides 'pd'. Perhaps there would be a 'desiredata' package in the future that also provides 'pd'. 'pd-extended' could then require the standard libs, so that installing Pd-extended on all platforms gives you the same libraries.

- It would be quite useful having each library have its own release cycle and version number.

- the planetCCRMA packages are based on the Pd-extended build system but just package things differently.

- Windows and Mac OS X builds would remain as one big package unless there is a CPAN-type system developed for Pd.


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