ok thanks for the explanation

so, for now, there is now way to setup a working [udpserver] in pd right ?
if so, I will stay with [tcpserver] even if I don't need tcp...

but if I could help in debugging [udpserver], I'll be happy to do so, just
let me know what can I do



do it yourself

2013/7/4 IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>

> Hash: SHA1
> On 2013-07-04 13:55, Antoine Villeret wrote:
> > 2013/7/3 IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>
> >
> > On 2013-07-03 17:33, Antoine Villeret wrote:
> >>>> so it could be difficult to use a server which doesn't accept
> >>>> more than one connection...
> >>>>
> >
> > no that's not what i meant. you can have as many connections as you
> > want, but they cannot be maintained at the same time.
> >
> > simple example: - both clientA and clientB send a a query to the
> > server - to complicate things, they do so at exactly the same time
> > - but since IP is a serial protocol, they will somehow arrive one
> > after each other - let's assume clientB was faster - [udpserver]
> > will output the query from clientB - if the server-patch now
> > immediately responds to that query, the response will be sent back
> > to clientB - then [udpserver] will output the query from clientA. -
> > [udpserver] will forget everything about clientB - if the
> > server-patch responds immediately to that query, the response will
> > be sent back to clientB - if you later "send" something from the
> > server, it will still be sent to clientB (because clientB is the
> > last known connection)
> >
> >
> >> so in this case, if I understand correctly, udpserver never send
> >> an answer to clientA ?
> no, it does send and answer back.
> >> I have to disconnect clientB *before* connecting clientA ?
> no. UDP doesn't know about "connections".
> >> but how clientA will know this is time to connect ? should it try
> >> until the connection is accepted ?
> again, UDP is connection-less so there is no connection.
> i think the main problem here comes from the use of the symbol
> "connect" for interfacing with e.g. [udpsend].
> this message is named "connect" mainly for consistency with the tcp/ip
> objects.
> anyhow, when you "connect" a client to server, the client will open a
> socket for this connection. the server won't know anything about this
> "connection", but it will receive data on a it's listening socket. it
> can use the socket to send data back (if you have routers/switches/...
> inbetween, this sending back will only work for a limited amount of time).
> since the server doesn't know anything about the "connection"-state of
> the clients, you don't have to disconnect anything.
> fgmasdr
> IOhannes
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