pascale gustin wrote:

I test this new release of Gem

It doesn't work for [pix_video] (same problem as the old gem)

I'm on MacBookPro (Intel) Linux Debian Lenny...
[pdp_v4l2] works fine (I usually use bridge [pdp2gem] between pdp and
gem with PS3-camera)

in this case you don't have libv4l-dev installed while configuring Gem.
you need libv4l in order to make use of the v4l2 support.

pasc...@debian:~$ pd -lib /home/pascsaq/Perso/gem-0.92-0/src/Gem
tk scaling is 1.48538011696
<init> : Avifile RELEASE-0.7.47-070929-17:56-4.2.1
<init> : Available CPU flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic
sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm
pbe nx constant_tsc arch_perfmon bts pni monitor vmx est tm2 xtpr
<init> : 1000.00 MHz Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2500  @ 2.00GHz
processor detected

Compilation of Gem: 0.92 seems to be ok...
In pd console, when I run new release of Gem :

warning: class 'world_light' overwritten\; old one renamed 'world_light_aliased'
warning: class 'vertex_program' overwritten\; old one renamed
warning: class 'alpha' overwritten\; old one renamed 'alpha_aliased'
warning: class 'accumrotate' overwritten\; old one renamed 'accumrotate_aliased'
GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
GEM: ver: 0.92.CVS
GEM: compiled: Sep 10 2009
GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: Authors :  Mark Danks (original version)
GEM:            Chris Clepper
GEM:            Cyrille Henry
GEM:            IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: with help by Guenter Geiger, Daniel Heckenberg, James Tittle,
Hans-Christop Steiner, et al.
GEM: found a bug? miss a feature? please report it:
GEM:    homepage
GEM:    bug-tracker
GEM:    mailing-list

But may be it is normal???

no this is not normal.
what you probably experience here is that you are loading both the new (0.92.0) and an old (0.92.CVS) version of Gem. i have no idea how you manage to do that (i managed to load Gem 2 times in the same instance of Pd, but i will only display the splash-screen of the first-loaded version; so i guess that while it opens both binaries correctly, it will re-load all the objects from the first instance)

anyhow, while experimenting, you should probably disable the preferences by using the "-noprefs" flag until it works and then do a proper install (or an uninstall of the old version; or at least disable loading of the old version in your prefs)

apart from that: the 0.92.0 release is not very different from a recent svn-checkout of the trunk)


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