>> in despite a lot of efforts to have tools for making music with pd,
>  > there's no way to make something smooth enough to be commercial,
>> unless cheating with some steinberg or direct x stuff,
> That doesn't seem strange to me: I guess all the sound processing
> involved in creating _fullu_ "commercial"-sounding stuff would be quite
> complicated to implement natively in Pd and probably too cpu-expensive -
> anybody correct me if I am wrong.
> But I wonder how this can be different in Max (note that I don't know
> Max at all (almost))

i cannot comment on max, but comparing the implementations of 
supercollider's unit generators and pd's tilde objects shows a big different 
in the handling of parameter changes. pd uses new parameters instantly, 
while supercollider does a one-block interpolation, so it should sound 


You don't have to call it music if the term shocks you.
  John Cage

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