On Aug 16, 2010, at 11:02 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

The pd-extended users in 3 who want to make patches with [wrap] work with both puredata and pd-extended should have known that they were using an extension, but sadly

I don't think that people aren't aware that pd extended bundles a lot of things that aren't in pd vanilla. I think that it's made pretty clear. Those who don't know that, also have no intention of making their patches work with vanilla, if they even know the existence of vanilla.

So, suppose that they do know that pd-vanilla is pretty vanilla, then the real problem is more like : if they write [zexy/wrap] in the patch, it doesn't work with a vanilla+zexy setup, and then, if they do it as [wrap] instead, they run into the problems you listed.

Moral of the story is that the "zexy/" prefix is only available in the software in which it is available and not in the one in which it isn't.

There is no standard vanilla+zexy install, so there is no real way to support it. That's the idea of Pd-extended: a standard install.



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