Well, I tried to download and get into my pd install last winter - but I
couldn´t find out how to get it onto these old win machines. Maybe there is
something obvious I am doing wrong, or maybe it´s already included in the
latest pd extended.
Or maybe just not for win machines.

Someone who knows?

The object seems super nice though. Can really be helpful in a lot of



On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Pierre Massat <pimas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Have you guys tried with [readanysf~] ?
> Pierre.
> 2012/11/21 Björn Eriksson <miu...@gmail.com>
>> Hello,
>> chiming in on the mp3-file playing topic aswell...
>> I encountered exactly the same problem trying to play a mp3 file a while
>> ago with the object [mp3play~], receiving this error text:
>> ==============
>> error: : no such object
>> Layer II not supported!
>> EOF: bang
>> ==============
>> which is maybe not so surprising as we all have heard that mp3 should be
>> the layer III to be played. But how is it possible to change an mp3 that
>> has layer II format into a layer III format?  Seems most mp3´s are in the
>> layer II standard. My try was with this mp3-file (found on UBU.com)
>> http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/sound/broodthaers_marcel/Broodthaers-Marcel_Interview-With-A-Cat.mp3
>> I am attaching the help-patch for [mp3play~], which I found in IEMLIB
>> folder.
>> If there only where ogg vorbis files out there it would be easy to just
>> use [oggread~] which seems to work fine.
>> I am really curious about the layer II / III mystery. Also I have heard
>> that layer III "are" the mp3 standard, and layer II not. Just
>> don´t understand the error I am getting.    (I am on a win xp machine,
>> but the same happens also on a win 7 machine)
>> All the best,
>> Björn Eriksson
>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Òscar Martínez Carmona <
>> xamp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> then you probably should report a bug with "f*cking" logic.
>>> Should I? I mean, the external might work fine with layer III files (in
>>> reality mp3 stands for mpeg2 layer 3), the thing is that all the converters
>>> I've used are on layer II, so I can't use it!
>>> Anyways, I've solved it with [readsf~] playing an .aif file, but the
>>> problem I got now it's related with dinamically changing the file I need to
>>> open. I receive the filename throught OSC and it goes to a symbol and it
>>> shows me the communication went nice, but apparently it doesn't affect the
>>> open message with the dollar sign, why??
>>> [unpack f f s]
>>>   l    l    I
>>>           [amnotlayertri.aif} //this is supposed to represent a symbol
>>>            l
>>>           [ open ../samples/$ (
>>>            l
>>>           [readsf~ 2]
>>> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 8:00 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoel...@iem.at>wrote:
>>>> On 11/20/2012 07:04 PM, Òscar Martínez Carmona wrote:
>>>>> [readsf~] seems to be what I was looking for!
>>>>> I'm not sure about mp3 layers and names , but when that layer II file
>>>>> is
>>>>> what I get with an mp3 bounce with Logic...
>>>> then you probably should report a bug with "f*cking" logic.
>>>> fgmasdr
>>>> IOhannes
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