On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Martin Peach <martin.pe...@sympatico.ca>wrote:

> I don't understand what you mean by the "arduino object".
> As I understand it you have a RN-XV plugged into an Arduino using an xbee
> shield. The RN-XV makes a wifi connection to your PC via a router, and you
> want to use that connection to communicate with the Arduino. The Arduino
> itself talks to the RN-XV using its serial port. Is that correct?

yes.  it communicates on pins 2 and 3 of the rn-xv.  that part works.  it
connects to the router. the arduino object is the pduino object in pure
data.  it interprets the data coming from the arduino.  from looking at the
inside of the patch, it seems that what the arduino is sending and what the
abstraction [pd command processing] inside the [arduino] object, is
interpreting, are the same thing so i guess i am wondering if the serial
protocol is neccessary to link the two (firmata formatted tcp stream coming
from the arduino and a firmata formatted [route]  that seems to have every
named input  stream that is coming from the arduino).  and if not, which
object, that doesnt use serial,would  allow this tcp (or udp)
bi-directional conduit?

im not married to deleting the comport but i would like to see if it works
because the whole system might work better.

> Martin
> On 2012-11-25 12:31, o...@onyx-ashanti.com wrote:
>>     Depends what's useable for you I guess.
>>     You just need to set the comport objects baud rate to 57600.
>>     The RN-XV manual says: "Valid settings are {2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
>>     38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600}"
>>     So you could probably go faster than 57600, the arduino can do at
>>     least 115200.
>> i have it working as a serial link with the virtual serial port program
>> i have.  can i route the 57600 stream  from the router, straight into
>> the arduino object, with the comport removed and just pipe the data
>> straight from the ip address into the object, without any routing
>> through serial?  and if so, which of the networking objects would give
>> me the bi-directional link neccesry for this to happen?
>>     Martin
>> --
>> www.onyx-ashanti.com <http://www.onyx-ashanti.com>
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