Well I kinda abandoned all desktop OS about 10 years ago, just running
chromiumOS everywhere now and patiently waiting for all runtimes to
become available in cloud :D Also I dont run crostini or crossover or
other any WM.. yes, its a simple life :D I just kept one windows
computer to run VSTs and OBS studio, otherwise chromebooks and android
devices for everything :) But I miss pd heavily... btw i saw your APK
builder for pddroid - awesome! Google wants aab bundles now though,
which is really annoying, so I guess we will abandon google play
eventually and use some alternative repo/installer. Anyhow, if someone
has an idea how to edit patches on stock android devices or on
chromebooks that would be great!

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 12:52 PM Dan Wilcox <danomat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It depends on your workflow. For PdParty, you can stream *all* live sensor 
> events over OSC while prototyping in desktop Pd, which is sufficient for my 
> use case. Then again, I don’t use my mobile device as an everything computer, 
> so I suppose I’m biased.
> enohp ym morf tnes
> -----------
> Dan Wilcox
> danomatika.com
> robotcowboy.com
> > On Feb 24, 2023, at 12:23 PM, Matevz Leskovsek <matevz.leskov...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> >
> > Dan thanks! Yes your considerations are reasonable but sadly pd has
> > really lost its "livecoding" angle when Android/iOS devices became so
> > popular. Smartphones are portable and have so many sensors that
> > livecoding on android would really make much more sense than coding on
> > desktop and deploying to smartphone for each change. I hope there will
> > be some effort to rewrite pd-lib to run in stock android and I am
> > willing to help (although I am worst programmer ever.. I am kinda good
> > tester and profiler though). And if it is actually possible to run
> > pd-lib on rooted android that is interesting but I am somewhat
> > suspicious. If there is a linux container for androids that would be
> > easier I guess (but not so RAM friendly). Btw, I've noticed purrdata
> > js runtime for pd is available but again I think it does not allow
> > patch creation/editing, only patch running? Btw, pddroidparty webpage
> > is really nicely organised and clear in its communication -> much
> > respect! Thanks!
> >
> >> On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 12:21 AM Dan Wilcox <danomat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Howdy Matevz,
> >>
> >> I don't believe so, although I must include the caveat tat I do not use 
> >> Android, so perhaps there is something out there I am not aware of.
> >>
> >> Running patches via libpd in a mobile app is much easier than creating a 
> >> live, graphical *editor* as with desktop Pd as:
> >>
> >> 1. the interaction metaphors are different
> >> 2. libpd does not have a way to tap into the core pd editing logic (yet)
> >>
> >> That being said (written?), it's certainly possible to create something 
> >> that can automate writing a Pd file which can then be loaded by libpd, 
> >> however, once things complicated enough, you basically end up duplicating 
> >> most of the core logic with the detriment that you have to carefully try 
> >> to keep it up to date with whatever version of pd / libpd you are using. 
> >> In short: it's a lot of thankless work that is best *not* done without 
> >> lots of interest, resources, and support.
> >>
> >> The closest thing I can think of is rooting the device to install a Linux 
> >> distro so you can run *desktop* Pd, however I don't think this is where 
> >> your question is focused.
> >>
> >> As the author of PdParty, which utilizes libpd on iOS, I made a clear 
> >> decision early on to *not* tackle on-device editing, mainly for the 
> >> reasons mentioned above.
> >>
> >> On Feb 23, 2023, at 12:00 PM, pd-list-requ...@lists.iem.at wrote:
> >>
> >> Message: 2
> >> Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 10:44:58 +0100
> >> From: Matevz Leskovsek <matevz.leskov...@gmail.com>
> >> To: pd-list@lists.iem.at
> >> Subject: [PD] Creating/editing patches on android?
> >> Message-ID:
> >> <caesqpf7mq+slkczqo848oq9lweocuzjvpvhxvqysfvkz+gt...@mail.gmail.com>
> >> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> >>
> >> Hi all, as I remember all those PD on Android platforms (mobmuplat,
> >> pddroid) only allowed running patches and not editing those, meaning
> >> that one needed a desktop computer to create and edit patches. Is this
> >> still the case or is it possible now to use Android device for
> >> creating and running pd patches. Thanks!
> >>
> >>
> >> --------
> >> Dan Wilcox
> >> @danomatika
> >> danomatika.com
> >> robotcowboy.com
> >>
> >>
> >>

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