Hi Ed,

> The problem you identified is due to a logic error in the bifuncs in P::Ops – 
> they weren’t handling complex inputs correctly because the code to do so was 
> behind a check for unsigned-handling. Now that’s corrected, and there’s a 
> test to guard against regressions. As soon as the tests have passed on the 
> CI, there will be a 2.028 on its way to CPAN.

I installed it from github and seems to work! Thanks.

Will FFTW3 work with the new complex? I believe it only works
currently with [2,N] real pdl's and not with actual PDL::Complex
pdl's. It would be nice if it could admit the three kinds. According
to http://fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Complex-numbers.html it seems possible to
use the fftw libraries with C99 complex numbers.

Best regards,



W. Luis Mochán,                      | tel:(52)(777)329-1734     /<(*)
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Cuernavaca, Morelos, México          | moc...@fis.unam.mx   /\_/\__/
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