Mike Johnston wrote:

> I must confess that I stayed up TWO HOURS past my usual beddy-bye time last
> night to watch the putative "interview" performed by Charlie Rose with Henri
> Cartier-Bresson, and I'm pissed as a wet cat.

I was, as you put it, likewise "pissed.." because I totally forgot the show
until the
last 20 mins or so - turns out I tuned in just a couple of minutes before the
segment and was wondering who the photog was just before Bresson.

I agree that Rose's interview of Bresson was lacking - geez... I have a strong
that Rose knows nothing about photography - suspicion is a tad too mild I
guess.  What
a shame.  He can be pretty interesting a savvy about other matters as I recally,
I haven't really watched his show in a long time.

>  had to sit through three
> sappy female National Geographic photographers who had not a thing to say
> but who looked like geniuses compared to the next photographer at bat,

Hey - could you maybe just have called them sappy photographers?  (ann, female
photog, pouts.)

> (snip, snip about Weber)
> Next up, the piece de merde, ten of the emptiest minutes of TV I've ever
> watched on purpose, a rat-a-tat-tat of awkward questions posed to a halting
> old man struggling against the language barrier by an interviewer who was
> apparently only interested in, guess what, the celebrity value of the
> subjects of some of the portraits, and whose idea of a piercing journalistic
> question is "Who is better for you, Matisse or Picasso...to your eye [points
> to eye] and your heart [points to heart]?" Gag me with a stirring rod.

I would not have put it quite that strongly, but it was pretty awful.

> About
> the only scant reward of the entire exercise was Henri's smile (still
> charming after all these years) and the sight of him saying "I never crop"
> while sitting directly in front of the _one_ famous picture of his which is
> always cropped.

Hmm  I might have missed this - but I do remember him pointing to the photo
of the Buddist monk and muttering that it was a bad picture (that should have

> But even that was ruined when Charlie Rose (who I've never
> really watched before but who has now permanently convinced me of his
> hopeless superficiality) teased Cartier that maybe one of his celebrity
> photographs needed cropping and then laughed uproariously for way too long
> about it before gazing soulfully at the camera and truncating the
> non-interview with a "see you next time."
> NOT.

Yeah, it was pretty sad.  I didn't mean to just "me too" this , MIke,  but
if we were talking about the same picture re the cropping.  I was multi-tasking
a bit while the end of the show was on.


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