At 02:28 PM 1/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
Just an FYI for people planning on using Pentax USA for LX repairs.

They contacted me, by phone, 4 business days after receiving the camera. The cost for what they termed "significant repairs" to the shutter mechanism (it had the stocky shutter problem, and infinity focus problems, but the couple of rolls I shot through it came out pretty good) for this low serial number LX, plus replacing all the foam and matte material, complete cleaning, et al, and fixing a loose hot shoe on the FA-1 finder, was quoted as $216. Turnaround time was quoted as ~2 weeks. We'll see when the camera shows up. The LX body, with 50mm M 1.7 lens, Grip B, and strap lugs, was purchased for $257 on ebay

You must be getting some significant repairs... I had the mirror mechanism replaced, a routine CLA, repair to the ISO / Compensation knob, and replacement of the TTL flash circuitry done for $130 back in December.

All in all - you are still doing OK. I bought my LX for ~$625 (if I remember right) on the promise that it had been serviced and upgraded. I thought buying from a store would be better than Ebay. After a month or so the ISO knob came loose, and when it got to Pentax I learned that the mirror mechanism and other stuff noted above needed repair (thought he store had represented that this work had been done.) Ultimately I was out ~$750 - but I still love the camera.

On a related note, I had recently pickled up a 9.5/10 PZ1 on ebay for a pretty good price ($220). The camera was missing the plastic covers for the hot shoe and the cable release, but has otherwise proven to work 100%. Pentax was able to provide both plastic cover pieces ((~$6) but when I first ordered them they told me they were discontinued. Since the hot shoe cover is the same as the PZ-1p, that wasn't a problem

Actually, I think there is a minor difference... My Pz-20 and Pz-70 covers have a small peg on them, for tripping the film re-wind switch (a little button recessed back to where it cannot accidentally be pressed.) The Pz-1p doesn't have that peg, since you have a rewind switch right there on the control wheel. A toothpick will work if you ever need to use that re-wind switch.

Personally, I keep the hot shoes uncovered.


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Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
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