So you want an outline of the jeep on the wall?

I would go about it like this:

You will need 2 laser pointer, a long broom handle, a
cable release, a secondary flash, and your father's help.

First, make sure the Jeep is parked parallel to the
wall (measure the distances at the front and rear axle if need be).

Frame the picture so that you have some room in front and rear of the Jeep,
and use a wall that has some texture to it. Not plain. And somewhat light

Attach the camera to the Jeep, probably behind the driver's door,
where the roll bar is.

Take the top and doors off the Jeep.

Use a slow speed film, on bulb.

Attach the laser pointer to a long broom handle or wood stick
(longer than the Jeep is wide). Make sure the laser pointer is in 
the same axis as the broom handle.

Bring a flash that you can set a various level of intensity and trigger
manually, without mounting it on the camera. Coverage of a least
28mm lens field-of-vue is preferable, a diffuser is also preferable.

After turning the lights out all around, get your dad to help you out
with the painting of the silhouette:  trip the shutter (with cable release)
and lock it open.

Then with the laser pointer turned on, start moving the broom handle from the
bottom of the rear tires all the way to the bottom of the front tires, while following
the contour of the Jeep, and keeping both ends of the broom handle reasonably at the
same height throughout (i.e. keep the broom handle horizontal), and also when
sliding over horizontal surfaces, keep the two handlers from getting ahead of each
other. Rest the broom handle LIGHTLY on the Jeeps surfaces, so as to not move the 
(and the attached camera). After reaching the bottom of the front tires, turn the 
laser pointer off,
slide the broom handle behind the front tires, still at the bottom, turn the laser 
pointer back on, and
continue tracing the outline to the bottom of the rear tires. Turn the laser pointer 

With a second laser pointer, (maybe a different colour?) Sign your name on the wall 
or right of where the Jeep outline was. (this is optional, but if Picasso can do it, 
so can you)

You can also set the flash on low power, and from the side, out of the field of vue of 
the camera,
flash the wall. Try to cover the whole frame with one flash. Or try multiple flashes.

Release the shutter, and try again with a different f-stop. Experiment! Try with a 
precise outline, and
also with wiggling the broom handle, as if it was a sketching pen. A Jeep with the 
doors and top removed
makes a much more interesting shape than most other cars, but you can borrow a VW  Bug 

And submit the best one for PUG!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jeepgirl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 22:19
Subject: Re: OT: Photographic Musings While Stuck in Traffic

> Does this make any sense to anyone?  I am thinking i could park my jeep,
> after dark,near a large building (barn) and set my tripod up between the
> jeep and the barn.  I would then set my pz1p on bulb.  Using a laser light
> pen, i would run the perimeter of my jeep. to make it look like i had drawn
> it.  I am sure it would have to be totally dark out, and i believe that the
> camera would have to be between the jeep and the barn. Any ideas what I
> would do to element the tripod legs being in the way of the "drawing"?
> (maybe put the camera and tripod on the jeep instead of on the ground?)  I
> tried to explain what I wanted to do to my daddy today, (cause he has to
> kill the lights, he doesn't think i need to be anywhere by myself in the
> dark, not even on my own property.)  He doesn't think it will work,  what do
> you guys think....
> jeepgirl

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