I would expect that the body assigns an incremental number to
each film as it is loaded, after loading the user could select
a previous film number which would have exposure count stored
in the body on EEPROM (memory that does not require batteries).
(Or is it EPROM ???)

When a previous film has been selected, body could fast forward
by counting sprockets ten add a few to allow for initial loading
positioning differences.

As the info stored would only be...

Film number
ISO setting
Frames shot

It should be possible to store info on 50 - 200 films.

User would only have to write film number on film/cannister
before/after initial usage

Just a thought


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How does the camera know its THAT roll you insert (the one you changed mid roll) and 
not an entirely different roll? What if you've changed 5 rolls mid roll at different 
frames, how does the camera know which one you insert?


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