Hey folks,

Does anyone here read Japanese?  I think from the Pentax Europe I got a link
to Japan, not the true Pentax Japan site, but Japanese still.  I pulled up a
PDF document.  The big brochure for the MS-S.  It was identical but for 2
things (as far as layout and pictures)  I have a copy here I was comparing
it to. One was the cover, it showed the silver version.  The other was near
the back, page 15 for me.  I couldn't make them out, but there were more
accessories for the MZ-S there, three black things, I don't know what they
were, but they did not appear in the English one I have.  Frustrating, if
they want to make money, I buy the new stuff from them, and they don't want
to make it available to me, silly business sense, IMHO.

It is interesting browsing the sites, clicking at random.  Some neat
pictures.  Saw a gold LX with a gold 50mm lens.  Killer on the eyes if used
outdoors I'd imagine!  They have so many more interesting and potential
products on these Japanese sites.  I wish I was able to read them.
Babelfish doesn't work well with photographic terms, and not at all when the
Japanese characters are an image file(s).

Anyone care to comment?

Brad W. Dobo, HBA (Eds.)
ICQ#: 16566668

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