Thanks, Tom! Very nice explanation. Much appreciated.

      - jerome

On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, tom wrote:

> The camera is still metering for the ambient light. You've set the
> sperture/shutter speed for a correct ambient exposure. If you dial
> in -1, the camera is telling you that the manual settings will give
> you a stop more than the -1 setting on the dial.
> In other words, you've told the camera you want to underexpose by -1,
> and it's telling you you're a stop over -1, which is just what you
> want.
> Maybe the confusing part is that you expect the meter bar graph to
> line up at -1. It's not. It's going to line up in the middle, the
> difference being that the middle value is -1.
> Now when you hit the shutter, the flash/camera doesn't care about your
> manual settings, it's going to shut the flash off when it senses it's
> hit -1.
> Therefore the ambient exposure will be correct, the flash will be a
> stop below.

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