I've been working on a theory the last few years that digital technology
has only 3 widespread effects:
a) slowing things down for the consumer or hands-on worker
b) making things unnecessarily complicated for the consumer or hands-on worker
c) saving corporations money

And mind you, I programmed micros for a living between 1978 and 2000.
I'm not sure I was in the right field.


Mike Johnston wrote:
> William Robb wrote:
> > Digital users seem to need a course in rocket science to get pictures.
> Well, maybe they just need a COURSE, period. Who's educating the public
> about how to use digital? The old paradigm is that the camera stores have
> knowledgeable salespeople who can serve as the front line for educating the
> consumer. That hardly works now that mail order and mass-market stores are
> #1 and #2 in terms of disseminating the devices. Plus, there are literally
> thousands of schools that teach photography, and about a zillion books that
> cover the basics (again, and again, and again...).
> There's no sort of infrastructure for teaching digital. Everybody uses
> different cameras, everybody uses different image-management programs,
> everybody uses different computers and picture formats and transportation
> media. Where are consumers supposed to go to learn this stuff? My local
> community college doesn't even teach a course in Photoshop because anyone
> who's enough of an expert in Photoshop to teach it can get a better job than
> being a teacher. The few books that are out are basically out of date before
> they see the inside of a bookstore, and because of the lack of
> standardization they assume an equipment set that few specific readers
> actually have.
> True, we have the internet, but that's like educating a sixth grader by
> dumping a set of encyclopaedias on his head. My Mom owns a digital camera
> and a six-year-old Macintosh, and she can no more find her way to a digital
> print than I can find my way to the Powerball jackpot.
> I've got more than a little sympathy for the digital neophyte. It wasn't all
> that easy for _me_, and I have just a tad more knowledge about making still
> pictures than the average bear.
> --Mike

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