
I would say that for those who know how to manage their files, digital
is cheaper, but those who have no clue what they are doing, for them
film might be cheaper and easier.  Especially concerning archiving.


Thursday, December 19, 2002, 7:25:52 PM, you wrote:


CB> No spiffs on accessories, at least where I work.  A memory card is film
CB> and developing for the life of the camera, and is a *bargain* compared to
CB> the cost of film and processing for anyone who shoots more than a few
CB> rolls a year.  Batteries are pricey, though... that's one of the things
CB> you have to factor into the overall equation.  For people who shoot a fair
CB> bit, it's still cheaper than film, but for those who only shoot
CB> occasionally film's probably still easier and more economical.

CB> chris

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