On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 20:32:20 -0600 (CST), Chris Brogden wrote:

>On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, John Mullan wrote:
>> xD memory is the newest player on the block.  "eXtreme Digital"  is
>> designed with a capacity of up to 8GB.  So far Canon and Fuji seem to
>> be the only users.  Given its small size, approximately the dimensions
>> of a U.S. penny, squared off, I suspect it will be popular with other
>> manufacturers soon.
>Actually, Olympus is the only current user of XD cards.  You're probably
>thinking of MMC/SD (MultiaMedia Cards and Secure Digital cards), which
>Canon uses in their digital video cameras (not in their still cameras),
>and which Kodak also uses in digital still cameras.  I personally hate the
>cards, as they're so small that they're easy to lose.
>BTW, don't count on ever seeing an 8GB version.  Lots of cards have the
>potential to reach massive storage capacity, but never go that high
>because almost no one would buy them, or because the technology is later
>found to be flawed.  Look at Sony's Memory Stick.  Sony had claimed
>gigabyte capacity, but it doesn't look like they're going beyond 128MB.
>The new (and largely incompatible) form of Memory Stick called Memory
>Stick Pro will come out sometime next year, and that could conceivably
>reach gigabyte+ capacities, but it's not really economically viable until
>storage costs come down.

The Fuji Finepix F402, 2650, A200, A203, A303, and 3800 as well as the Olympus C-50, 
and C-5050 all use the xD chip.  Considering how memory prices have fallen,  and as 
count goes up, I expect to see 1 GB memory cards soon.  Multi-Gigabyte memories are a 
little further out.  I can remember spending several hundred dollars to add 16 MB to a 
Now PC memory is dirt cheap.  I expect flash memory to do the same.


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