First of all it was dead calm. Even the tiniest movement would have caused
the snow to come down. That's the biggest problem. One night we have a heavy
snowfall. I look out in the morning. "Oh Boy its like fairyland!" I say,
getting  out the cameras. But by the time the sun is a diameter above the
horizon - 10:45 - the wind has come up. The snow is blown from the thin
branches and that's that. The pines and spruce are a little better than
birch, they have dense clumps of needles that hold the snow a bit longer.
And second ... the exposures were 1/250 and 1/500. I couldn't go faster
because I didn't have any fast film and since I was testing lenses adding
grain would not have made it easier to analyse the results. An external
shutter would eliminate the mirror and shutter contributions, but requires
absolutely static conditions and a lot of care and attention;  and
patience; and much insulation about the body too because when it still, its
pretty cold. Perhaps I have to test this lens in the house, or wait for the


Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Soames Wetmore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 8:51 PM
Subject: Lens sharpness vs. camera shake

> I'm not trying to be a wise guy here, but aren't the tree tops moving a
> bit even on still days?  What were your shutter speeds?  (And sorry if
> you've already addressed this point - I'm a bit behind on reading the
> digests.)
> >
> >[...]
> >Getting sharp images with long lenses is an exacting task, much more
> >difficult than meets the eye. Forgive the weak pun. I've been taking
> >of tree tops recently with a Sigma Apo 400/5.6. They are not
> >sharp although I used the highest shutter speed I could. >Its hard to
> >decide if the images are fuzzy because: the lens is not so >good wide
> >the shutter and mirror vibrated the camera on the >tripod, the lens is
> >so good anyway, or the camera was not properly >focussed.
> >[...]
> >Don Williams
> >
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