It is also _very_ hard to do.  That guy had a magic finger.
How to see the approach of a composition is beyond me.
I have found that motor drives don't help; that revelation
didn't surprise me much.  Using a motor drive is like using
a shotgun to hit a BB.


T Rittenhouse wrote, in part:

> The crusty old guy (HCB) is one of my heroes. If you had seen my photos from
> the old days you would have had no doubt of his influence on me. I do, I
> admit, tend to be very irreverent about my heroes.
> The fact is his obsevation that the instant selected to push the button is
> one of the most important visual controls we have. After all, what makes
> still photography different from videography is that we take one tiny slice
> out of a time sequence and try to show something universal rather than just
> I was there. In fact, especially with people photography, that is the
> difference between a great photograph and a snapshot, at least in my mind.
ou're splitting hairs here Tom. <g>

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