* WARNING: The Sturgeon General has determined that reading the PUG  *
* Mailing List may be dangerous to your mental health, and can lead  *
* to severe weight loss in your wallet as well as a depletion of     *
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At 11:47 AM 1/2/2003 +0200, you wrote:
Maybe they shold put a health warning on the PDML like we have on
----- Original Message -----
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: What toys you have in 2002?

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Marnie
> > I wish someone had warned me that reading this list can really
> pull one into buying more stuff.
> Unsubscribe.
> Do it now.
> Righ now.
> I used to be happy with my LX, 2 K-1000s a half dozen lenses, my
> 6x7 and a few lenses, and the 4x5 and a few lenses.
> Then, I decided to buy a computer, so as to learn a bit about
> digital photography, since that is where my industry is headed.
> One day, while surfing the web, I came across the Pentax USA
> website.
> Spotted a link saying Click here to join the Pentax Discuss
> Mailing list.
> Joined this mailing list.
> That was 4 years ago.
> Since then, I have nearly retired from active photography.
> Not withstanding that fact, I now own 3 LXs, a couple of
> ME-Supers, a Program Plus and a few other bodies.
> I have bought a couple of dozen more lenses for the 35mm, 3 more
> lenses for the 6x7, and a nice wide angle lens for the 4x5.
> A 6x7 bellows (SHEESH!!), and a couple of bellows for the 35mm
> system, a microscope adaptor which I will likely never use
> because I just don't find that stuff all that interesting, and a
> bunch of LX viewfinders, one of which I will likely never use.
> Two fisheye lenses (one is never enough) and 5 teleconverters,
> including two Pentax 2x-S.
> 2 of my camera bodies have never had a roll of film put into
> them by me, my 300mm f/4 for the 6x7 has not had a shot taken
> with it yet, and at least 3 of my 35mm camera lens purchases
> have not been mounted on a camera since being purchased, and one
> has not been on a camera at all, I just picked it up off a
> shelf, gave it a cursory inspection and bought it.
> This list is a very bad place.
> William Robb
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
    Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

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