Mike wrote:

>If you're good at it, other
> people will know it. If you aren't good at it, then at least you've
> satisfied yourself. There is absolutely no need whatsoever to know one
> single rule in order to photograph well, and many great photographers NEVER
> think or speak of such things.

You constantly mix-up thinking about rules, talking about rules or any other conscious 
effort about rules with applying rules. 
People are taking advantage of gravity every day without thinking about it or talking 
about it. 

> If you have guidelines for yourself, fine. If other people find it helpful
> to use guidelines, fine. If other people find it interesting to deconstruct
> composition ex post facto, fine. They can do whatever they want. I can do
> whatever I want. You can do whatever you want. 

You can't do whatever you want and created interesting or good images, something every 
photographer have bitterly experienced. 

>You know why? Because THERE

If there are no rules, there are no good images as theres nothing separate between 
them. After all, everything is possible so everything must be equally good. 
Furthermore, if there are no rules every photographer is doomed to lifetime of 
frustration as it is impossible to produce good images on a consistent basis as all 
there is to it is pointing the camera in random direction and hope for luck.


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