
> 2. Personally I stopped asking for prints from the negatives almost
> immediately after I've learned that I could ask the lab to scan my
> negatives. They don't do perfect job, but given time and PhotoShop you
> could fix perhaps most of the problems. In Israel at least to scan the
> 36 exp. negative film to 3000x2000 24 bit BMP files would cost you
> something like $7 (per whole film!). Assuming that the number of
> pictures you would actually like from film is no more than half dozen
> you can later collect your favorites from several rolls and have them
> printed.

I wanted to do this here too and was a bit shocked with the Lab owner's
attitude and reply. Firstly he told me that scans from prints are as good as
those from negatives (!!). Ofcourse I insisted on the negatives to be
scanned. Then I asked him how much he would charge me if I wanted high res
scans on a CD instead of prints (and prints of only those which I like, need
hard copy of etc.). He gave a rough quote of more than TWICE that of regular
prints, which I cant really digest. He said that it was much cheaper to do
the bulk printing job, the paper is cheaper, digital work (any) is costlier,
etc. etc.
I think he knows he has a monopoly out here in this town, and also, he
wishes to continue making his money from prints. I have to look elsewhere (a
pain) for this option, which really seems to be a good one otherwise.

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