> 2. '40 Years of Photography' - Jeanloup Sieff
> 3. 'Faites Commes si Je n'Aitais pas La' - Jeanloup Sieff
> 4. 'Arnold Newman' - Philip Brookman
> 5. 'One Mind's Eye' - Arnold Newman
> 6. 'Faces' - Jane Bown

I'm familiar with this one. It showed up at a local bookstore and I _almost_
bought it, but I'd never heard of Bown. So I went home and did a bit o'
research. Came back a few days later and the book was gone.

> 7. 'California' - Ansel Adams
> 8. 'Portraits' - Bruce Davidson

Augh! Another great book I let get away. Isn't that picture of Samuel
Beckett FANTASTIC? I think there's a picture of Antonioni at work in that
book that I really liked as well.

> 9. 'Portraits' - Peter Weiermair
> 10. 'Famed' - Michael Birt
> 11. 'Fruits' - Shoichi Aoki
> 12. 'Photographers and Their Images' - Fi McGhee
> 13. 'Pipe Dreams' - John Thornton
> 14. 'Diners' - Gerd Kittel

Finally, one I own. Actually I don't have _Diners_, but I have two of his
larger books, _Southwest USA_ and _A New England Autumn_.

> 15. 'Portraits' - Steve McCurry
> 16. 'Slightly Out of Focus' - Robert Capa

That's another I should have. I have a fair number of great war photography
books. The one I need now is the new Larry Burrows book. That will be an
important one.

> 17. 'Seeing he Light: Wilderness and Salvation: A Photographer's Tale' -
> Tom Shroder and John Barry (photos by Clyde Butcher)

So I guess actually I don't have ANY of your list.

Can we still talk? <g>


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