I've been reading this thread with interest, and all the tips have been
wonderful ones, but I haven't really come across "the one" (for me, at least).

Then I read yours, Bob, and it clicked.

I'd say, "always have a camera with you".  If you don't have one, get a tiny
35mm - even a p&s - and keep it in your pocket at all times.  I pretty much
always have a camera around my neck when I leave the house, but if it's really
inconvenient to do that, I'll put my little Minolta HiMatic F (about the size of
a Rollei 35) in a pocket.

I just got sick of being without a camera, and seeing a shot, but having no
camera with me.  Some days (not many <g>) I won't take a shot, but I like having
a body with me at all times "just in case".

I guess a corollary to that would be "take lots of pictures".  It's the only way
one will get good - it won't guarantee it, but it'll help...


Bob Blakely wrote:

> Not necessarily the best, but I say, "Don't be stingy with the film." Walk
> around, up and down and waste the whole roll on that subject. I say it
> increases the odds.
> Regards,
> Bob....
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!"
>    - Benjamin Franklin

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert

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