Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Yes, I can see why people like B&W photos and like using B&W film -- for
the "abstraction" -- but my vision isn't B&W and never has been, so they
always look like they are lacking something to me. In newspapers and books
that don't print a lot of color, okay. But even that has changed over time.

Doe aka Marnie  ;-)<

have you seen Ansel Adam's color work? if you have not, i highly recommend
it. he may be known for his B&W work, but he continually experimented with
color but never published much of it because he felt he could never achieve
the control he wanted. some of that was because of the limitations of the
medium of his day, but some was that B&W does allow a lot more control over
certain aspects of reproduction. i know to some, his B&W work will always
be the better work, but for me, his color work is.


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