In a message dated 1/13/2003 7:18:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> have you seen Ansel Adam's color work? if you have not, i highly recommend
> it. he may be known for his B&W work, but he continually experimented with
> color but never published much of it because he felt he could never achieve
> the control he wanted. some of that was because of the limitations of the
> medium of his day, but some was that B&W does allow a lot more control over
> certain aspects of reproduction. i know to some, his B&W 
> work will always
> be the better work, but for me, his color work is.
> Herb...

Ohhhhhh, neat. I didn't know that he had even shot color. Thanks for the info. Now I 
am intrigued and will definitely look for it. I will be curious to see how 
similar/different it was to/from his B&W.

Doe aka Marnie :-)

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