
I would like to thank you (all of you) with this one letter for your opinions,
and for drawing my attention to some other lenses, non Pentax brand. 
Now everything looks more clearly to me. It is always better to hear from 
the owners of the lens, than to believe what producers are saying...

It appears that the most reasonable solution would be to wait about a year 
or more and buy some costly 300/2.8 lens with set of 1.4x to 2x teleconv. 
But as long as I really can't live without long lens ;-) I decided to buy now 
the Takumar SMC 300/4 screw mount, probably I will be able to sell it 
later, when I will have enough money for buying 2.8 one, sharp even wide 

Most of my bird pictures are taken from within a tent-like blind, so 300mm 
(now f4 and next year 2.8) shuld be long enough, while still having good 
lightness level, even with teleconverter. Is that right?

I have ordered already Takumar SMC 300/4 screw mount with tripod collar
and now I am waiting for my postman and delivery. I have borrowed once 
Super-Takumar 300/4 screw mount and I was quite happy with its results, 
except some "blicks" (the lack of SMC layers). Anyway, it was to short time 
to test it fully.

I am really intersted in "Pentax 1.7x AF Adapter" (mentioned by one of you 
in some earlier posting). Does it make an AF lens from my MF lens??? 
Even this Takumar screw mount lens? How it could be done? Kind of magic 
or... just a joke?

> on EBay, you can find a Takumar 500/4.5 in M42 screwmount

What is it's closest focusing distance?

Waldemar Krasowski
tel: +48 501087147

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