I went into my camera closet yesterday. This is a very large closet,
about twenty feet long and four feet wide, deep underground next to my
computer room. One wall is lined with shelves - and most of the shelf
space is covered with Pentax equipment. 

Oh, the LXen, the PZippers, even the little MZ-something-or-other, all
sitting forlorn and neglected, maybe only held in deep reserve, maybe
never to be used again. I can handle that - they are made only for
film, and film is a matter of choice for me now. 

But the rows of lenses, standing like tall and short soldiers ready to
gear up and march out, made me a bit sad. They don't care what body
they match up with - they just want their day in the sun.

Come on Pentax, give me a DSLR so my big and little lens soldiers can
march out into the light again. I got my large jug of pennies full to
overflowing, just ready to spill into the bank's change machine and
churn into digital-buying dollars.

I'm really tired of waiting. Who cares about PMA or a summer
introduction. Put the damn thing in the stores now.

John Mustarde

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